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How ‘Video On’ Positively Impacts You, Your Teams, and Your Business

What are the benefits of video in the workplace? See when turning video on for meetings provides the most personal and business impact.
3 min read

Updated on April 27, 2022

Published on December 16, 2021

How ‘Video On’ Positively Impacts You, Your Teams, And Your Business
Allie Blum
Allie Blum
Communications Manager, Customer Success
Allie is a communications manager for Zoom's Customer Success team.

With the abrupt shift from in-person to remote and hybrid work in the last two years, organizations used video communication software to adapt quickly and make collaboration seamless for distributed teams. Such tools have both audio and video capabilities, allowing employees to choose whether to turn their video on or off during virtual meetings. This prompts the question, “Does every business call these days have to be a video call — and if not, when’s the best time to go ‘video on’?” 

A study commissioned by Zoom and conducted by research firm Morning Consult found that going “video on” when you connect virtually has exceptional benefits for you, your team, and your business. Read some key findings below and access the full report here. 

The benefits of 'video on' for you 

  • Land your dream job. Your video interview can make a lasting impression — 84% of people managers express more confidence in their hiring decisions when the candidate turns their video on during an interview.
  • Revitalize your relationship with work. 75% of professionals report feeling more connected to their tasks at hand and work more broadly when video is on during their meetings with colleagues. 
  • Strengthen connections with your boss. 72% of people managers feel that their direct reports are more engaged when they have their videos turned on, improving reportee-manager relations. 

The benefits of 'video on' for your team 

  • Show your co-workers you care. 79% of professionals feel their colleagues pay attention when they have video turned on.
  • Have better conversations. 75% of professionals find that the quality of discussions among teammates and colleagues is substantively better with video on.  
  • Bond authentically with your teammates. 59% of professionals believe that team building is more effective when their colleagues go “video on” for the activities.

The benefits of 'video on' for your business

  • Build trust with your customers and prospects. 70% of sales and marketing professionals say video helps create more trust with potential and current clients.
  • Earn business. 69% of sales professionals find they are more likely to close a deal with video on.
  • Improve your job performance. 61% of professionals feel that they perform better with video on.

Regardless of whether you’ll return to an office, continue working from home, or do a little of both, 75% of professionals agree that turning on video will be crucial for their jobs moving forward. Nearly the same number (72%) believe turning video on makes their company better equipped to support a hybrid workforce.

Few people surveyed thought “video on” should be a mandatory company policy. Still, data suggests that embracing a “video-on” culture can benefit individual contributors and broader business teams, increasing engagement, trust, and productivity. 

Learn more about how you and your business can benefit from “video on” communications by reading the full report

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