After your UCaaS platform is initially deployed, there are still recurring costs to manage and operate your new technology. These operating costs typically include the salaries and resources attached to IT staff, contractors, and third-party managed service providers who oversee the platform, measure its performance, and assist employees with troubleshooting and daily tasks.
This can get costly, however, if employees struggle to learn a new platform. When IT admins spend more time resolving trouble tickets than focusing on more urgent tasks, your operating costs can increase.
Zoom’s intuitive, easy-to-use solution minimizes the need for IT help by encouraging employees to self-serve simple tasks. According to Metrigy’s research, Zoom users require 1.98 IT staff members to manage the platform (compared to the industry average of 2.78); and companies using Zoom spend 55% less on management and operating costs than the industry average.
The Metrigy study also found that 80% of the respondents who use Zoom rely on self-service to handle more than 25% of their administrative functions. When self-service isn’t an option, Zoom favorably leads other unified communications providers by having 43% of voice troubleshooting tickets resolved in one hour or less, whereas the overall industry average is 26%. Our UCaaS solution is easy to use, administer, and maintain for the long term, thus providing ongoing cost savings long after the implementation is complete.