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Zoom’s Support for India During COVID-19 Surge [UPDATE]

Zoom is providing financial and technology resources to help those in India fight the recent COVID-19 surge. Here's how.
3 min read

Updated on May 11, 2021

Published on April 29, 2021

Zoom’S Support For India During COVID 19 Surge [UPDATE]
Sameer Raje
Sameer Raje
Country Manager, India

The last year has been a difficult one for all of us and has been dramatic in so many ways. This pandemic period has challenged everyone, often pushing us to our limits. Our Zoomies here in India have responded tirelessly to the needs of businesses, schools, governments, and day-to-day users that required connection.

Throughout it all, we have felt the stress that a nation and a world face, and carried the responsibility to empathetically respond and serve with humility. However, never have we been more tested during this terrible period than now.

As India faces a devastating surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths, Zoom will again heed the call and do our part by providing product and financial resources across the country, as well as support for Zoom employees in-region.

Our plan calls for allocating resources to help Indian residents access needed medical equipment, safely communicate virtually, and receive critical supplies across the country. This includes:

  • Targeted funding for India’s pandemic response, including donations to the US India Friendship Foundation, a nonprofit focused on sourcing oxygen concentrators, and SEWA International, a humanitarian aid group providing critical information to healthcare workers and emergency supplies to community members.
  • Product donations for those affected by the pandemic. We’ve provided more than 4,500 schools in India with free access to the Zoom platform during COVID-19 and will continue to work with schools, agencies, and other organizations on additional donations.
  • Technology assistance and access, including training, support, and expanded Zoom licensing for front-line workers and relief organizations.
  • An internal global fundraiser, in which Zoom will match our employees’ donations supporting India’s fight against the pandemic. Those funds will also be directed to SEWA International.

We are also focused on providing support and resources to our employees across India. Zoom has a technology center in Bangalore, a growing office in Mumbai, and data centers in Mumbai and Hyderabad and, as we care for our community, we must also support our fellow team members.

Years from now, we will look back at this moment and ask ourselves a simple question, “Did we do the right thing?” With our team - and our country - calling, the response is obvious and our commitment to doing the right thing steadfast. We can and will rise and progress forward, together.

Update on May 11, 2021
Editor's note: We wanted to update you on our latest efforts to care for our community in India

  • Zoom platform: We’ve provided Indian schools, agencies, and other organizations with free access to Zoom services during COVID-19, and lately, Zoom is peaking at more than 25 million free daily meeting participants in India.
  • Internal fundraiser: We’re matching employee donations supporting India’s fight against the pandemic. To date, it’s the largest internal fundraiser ever at Zoom, and donations are still being accepted through May 14, 2021. That money also goes toward SEWA International.
  • Global coalition: Zoom is part of a global coalition of tech companies sharing support for India. This group of 42 companies includes members and nonmembers of Pledge 1%, which is leading the effort, and the initiative has raised $26 million to support India COVID-19 relief.

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